Golden retriever puppy


TMDF considers the neglect or abuse of animals to be a serious affront to society's humanity.  Abuse and neglect can occur to one animal in a household and it can occur to twenty animals.  The cases of mass neglect or abuse are obviously more sensational to read and hear about than one dog found abandoned and starving.  But, one neglected dog is no less an affront to us than twenty.  Therefore we will continue to push our government authorities to craft laws that speak to the deed and not the number.

TMDF is aware of the health benefits and risks associated with sterilization.  We think the decision to sterilize, or not, should be made by the animal owner and their veterinarian and not by our government.  We are supportive of low-cost sterilization clinics and programs but we oppose mandatory sterilization of all dogs and cats.

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Obedience Classes

Since 1995, we have been working with people to teach their dogs basic manners and social skills.  We differentiate our lessons according to the dog’s maturity and inherent characteristics, because a hound learns differently than a shepherd and a one year old Chihuahua is much more mature than a one year old Mastiff.  Classes are offered twice a year. 

White kitten with blue eyes